Pumpkin Patch

The week has come to an end. ‘Twas the last weekend of fall break for the kids. What better way to spend it than at the pumpkin patch with the rest of the island? There were so many gigantic pumpkins. They were orange. And the grass was brown. So were the wood chips.







Camping at Waimanalo

I stole the boys away to Waimanalo beach park to go camping for the weekend. We met up with a couple of friends and spent the weekend bbqing, crabbing, swimming, beaching, drinking (not all alcoholic), building fire, playing cards, singing campfire songs (often not around a campfire), eating cake, making s’mores (yes, we ate those too), and just had an awesome time.

The kids all had a blast. They played hard and then slept hard. And then did it again the next day. I love seeing them happy and having a good time. I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with good friends an relaxing and soaking in all the fun in the sun (though it occasionally results in red skin).

Note to self. Not properly setting up your tent may result in it blowing away in the middle of the night.



