Vacationy Stuff

Coming up on the last days of my time home with the kids, I was feeling like I needed to do something more useful and/or vacationy.

Since Holly and I aren’t home at the same time very often, we decided to go have super fun. We asked the kids what they wanted to do and Gavin surprisingly said, “let’s go bowling”. So we did. Afterwards, we had lunch at Chili’s and went to Pearl Ridge mall to browse and window shop. Lucky thing too. All three kids used their magical kid powers to get free games at Fun Factory. Then afterwards they found a magic quarter skittles vending machine that spit out free Skittles. 

Oh. And we have a chicken now. It’s nice to spend some time in the yard with the chicken. 

Zenny reads Tailypo with mom. Ooooh. It’s scary. 

Then we got a banana tree. It’s one of my household requirements. Just like the lilikoi and chicken. 

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