Today Was A Good Day

Today was a good day. We’ve all been a little slowed down by being sick. But today was good. Things we’ve done include making shrinky-dinks, make beer, finish a knitting project, finish a sewing project, dishes, watch Psych and play. 

Today I made my first batch of from-scratch beer. I used a recipe for an irish porter. It was really satisfying to do. The grains steeped, the malt boiled, the hops flavored and the yeast started converting. Now the fermenter is sitting in a cupboard doing it’s thing. Next step, bottle (in 2-4 weeks). It smelled so good. 

Holly finished her first sewing project today. She sewed herself a nice jacked out of red corduroy. It is really pretty. She did a terrific job. Pictures on her flickr page

As you can see from my previous post, I’ve finished my knitting project. The cardigan wrap I started over a year ago. Dang. Has it been that long? I guess so. Next up, some hose. Yup. Hose. 

So what’s next. Tomorrow, Gavin and I will venture to the beach. It’s been way too long since we’ve gone to the beach. It’s been a little cold the past few weeks, but today was beautiful. If tomorrow is the same, it will make for a good beach day. We’re going to call up one of Gavin’s friends to see if they want to join us at the beach. Should be fun.