Labor Day Weekend

Brandi Carlile posts a preview of her next album. Let’s dance to that.

Dancing to Brandi Carlile's "Dreams"

I make myself look younger by trimming my head hairs:

Looking Younger Yet? Ta daaa

There we go. Now I look young again. None of this 30 crap. 🙂

Holly continues to turn into a zombie.

Zombie hand

Hey! Let’s dance to celebrate the turning into a zombie:

Yay Zombies!

When life gives you guavas, make jelly. Or when a friend give you guavas, make jelly. One of those.

Jelly making time

When life gives you darts, stick them to your child’s forehead. Oh come on. Like you never?

Dart on forehead

Labor day require grilling. Im pretty sure I saw it in the constitution.

Steak, blue cheese, tomato and basil. OMG!

Can you go wrong with NY steaks covered in blue cheese, tomato and basil? I think not.

Sexy grilling Ooooh. Fire. I can do that sexy as well. Checking the steaks all sexy like.

If you’re gonna grill some NY steaks, should you do it in a sexy manner? I think so.

And the result…. sexy, delicious, OMG, roll-your-eyes-back-in-your-head steaks.

Roll-your-eyes-back-in-your-head steak

Believe me. Holly and I were way more excited about these steaks than Gavin was. He did eat a lot of the steak though. Along with carrots and cheesy poofs.

Totally excited about dinner

Can you be any more excited about dinner? Yes you can. See?

Let me out!

And the icing on the cake? The Märzen that I brewed a few weeks back is finally finished and is the perfect compliment to tonight’s dinner. Oh how I wish I could share. Sort of. 🙂

The Märzen turns out awesome. Go me.

Labor Day weekend. Oh happy day.

Vocabulary word of the day

Friday at Tai Kwon Do, a sister reviews vocabulary with her little brother of about 5 years old.

sister: Ok, let’s go over your words. What does ‘brilliant’ mean?
little brother: bright
sister: Good. What does ‘argument’ mean?
brother: fight.
sister: good. Hey, look at me. We need to go over your words. What does ‘kindness’ mean?
brother: ….
sister: What does ‘kindness” mean?
brother: … (looking around the room)
sister: (punches brother’s leg) What does ‘kindness’ mean?
brother: ………….. (starts to slide around and away)
sister: (Punch, punch. Grabs legs and pulls hard. Punch) WHAT DOES ‘KINDNESS’ MEAN?

What to brew next?

I’ve bottled my Märzen on Sunday and it is looking very promising. I did a pre-bottle tasting and it was quite delicious. I now have 49 bottles of beautiful home-brewed Märzen beer. I will be thinking heavily on what to brew next. Anyone with suggestions on what I should try, just give me a holler.

Nice and relaxed

I feel a peaceful weekend coming on. I think I’ll be able to bottle my beer on Sunday. Tomorrow we have plans to go to the beach. Gavin is enjoying playing with his castle and pirate ship. Holly is working on her quilts. Leif is sleeping. All seems well. Tonight, new episodes of Monk and Psych come on. I think I’ll sit and watch them with a beer in hand. I just feel nice and relaxed.

Gordon Biersch plus karaoke

So to celebrate my 30th birthday, I spent 1/4 of the day at Gordon Biersch eating burgers and drinking beer. Then I spent 1/4 of the day (and a few hours of the following day) at the Karaoke Hut in Honolulu singing and hanging out with good friends (along with a bottle of good sake and some strange drink mixed up by my buddy N). The result? Holly finds me passed out in my underwear the following morning and kindly documents the occasion for posterity.
