Thanks to a good friend of ours, a new place to live has fallen into our laps. It all happened so fast. We gave our info to be passed on to the owner and they called us 2 days later. It all went uphill from there. Background checks, paperwork, deposits, etc all took place before we could really think about how awesome it all was. We finally got a place with a yard, no neighbors, a garden, a carport, an ocean view and much more. It really is all we hoped for.

When it came time to move, a couple of our friends really stepped up and helped us out a bunch. We had a bit of big furniture to move and no truck of any kind. Not to mention I can’t carry a large dresser and hutch by myself. For the most part, we moved everything in a weekend; Thursday, Friday, and part of Saturday. Sweet. It helps that is was just up the road.

So anyway. With all that, we needed to celebrate a bit. We invited those who helped us move over Saturday night to have a sort of house warming party. And it was awesome. There were a total of 4 children and 6 adults total. The kids all got along great and kept occupied and out of trouble while us grown ups played cards, made pizza, grilled fish, threw back a few drinks, and just plain had a great time hangin’ out together.

I can’t really say how awesome that night was because it was really beyond words. Besides, I think you know what it feels like when you have one of those nights hanging out with friends that are awesome. Thank you guys for the help with moving. Much appreciated and much Mahalo.