My Time with Leif: Day 10

This was King Kamehameha day. A Hawaiian holiday where we get off and the rest of the world has to go to work. So what did we do with our free day? We went to the grocery store, did laundry, and babysat the nephews. Chris and Teddy came over while their mom went off with her sister to go sailing. Well, the sailing was canceled and they came back after an hour, but they then went out to lunch while the kids and I went down to the park. Leif and Teddy played pretty well and were happy, but poor Chris had no one of his own age to play with and he went a little stir crazy. For a bit, they all were a little stir crazy, but eventually they worked it out and figured out how to get along. Which naturally meant that it was time to head back home. Chris sat on the couch trying to figure out how to get me to let him watch tv or play Wii while the other two played happily outside with sticks and bulldozers. The two run-away adults finally returned and scooped their two younguns away. That left just me and Leif again. By this time of course, it was dinner time. We had ourselves some food and began our night-time routine. It didn’t take long before Leif was in bed snoozing away. I did a little exercising and watched an episode of “The United States of Tara” and then joined him. It was a simple day, but nothing says simple days can’t be nice.