New haircut

I spent the morning with Gavin, Holly and Mary as they had their 3rd book signing at Borders in Honolulu. It was nice. I took Gavin to the Yum Yum Tree for lunch. Just afterwards, I drove Holly to work. Driving home I thought about what is up with me. And of course I came to no conclusion. So I drove to the Super Cuts in the Temple Valley Shopping Center and got me a hair cut. Took about 45 minutes believe it or not. I got home just in time to take a quick shower, take some pictures of my new haircut and get ready for work. I didn’t have time to download the pictures to put on my blog, but chances are that Holly will read this, see the pictures on the camera and possibly put them on her blog. Otherwise, you will just have to wait until I put them up on mine. Later.