“Poke it, soak it, and eat it!” The theme of the day.

To go back a bit, I found more pictures from when we went to see Thomas the Tank Engine. Check out this memorial they had in their central park.
Isn’t that nice. They gave them a rock. It’s the thought that counts.

Anyway, are two more pictures from our day out with Thomas.

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You can see Gavin there not quite knowing how to get in on the action. There were maybe 8 trians to play with, and about 50 kids playing with them. Suprisingly no fights broke out. You can also see Gavin enjoying the $3 corn. He has really been into corn lately. Last night for dinner he knarfed down an entire ear of corn.

Then there was Mother’s Day weekend. It was a good weekend. It contained rum cake, bowling, a hunt for liverworst, finding closed delis, Spiderman 3, stromboli, a Hawaiian BBQ place, ice cream, checkers and moments of good clean fun (although maybe the carpet could use a vacuuming.

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This weekend was very enjoyable.