The Not So Pale Ale

As mentioned 10 days ago, I brewed a pale ale for my mother-in-law’s birthday. I followed a not-so-specific recipe from an old beer book from 1971 for a pale ale. After pitching the yeast, I set the fermenter in it’s usual place, but summer is here and it’s been very hot in the house. According to the book, this recipe was supposed to ferment and be ready for bottling in approx 2-4 days. After 2 days I took a gravity reading and it hadn’t dropped from its original 1.043 reading. I also noticed that the pale ale wasn’t so pale. It was more like an amber ale. The later most likely due to the large amount of roast barley. The color doesn’t bother me so much, but I was very sad that it wasn’t fermenting. I had realized though, that because it’s summer, the temperature in the fermenter was too hot, so to offset this, I stuffed the cupboard with ice packs to cool it down. After all it was only 5? too warm. With the ice packs, I brought the temp down to 74? which I figured would be ok for fermentation. Two days later there was still no activity. My plan then was to order another bottle of yeast to pitch in the pale ale and then brew a half batch of Hefeweizen just in case the pale ale failed.


Since pitching the new yeast, there has been some activity. It hasn’t been a heck of a lot, but at least there is some. There is hope. It’s been 10 days now since brewing. Tonight I will check the gravity of both the pale ale and the hefeweizen. The hefeweizen should be about ready for bottling. If I get a reading of 1.01 or less, I will bottle tomorrow. As for the pale ale, we’ll see.

To be continued…

Cheesecake and a cold

It’s the end of the weekend. Yesterday we drove up to town to do some shopping and Holly had to go to Border’s to buy some books for the library summer reading program. It was a decent day and went pretty quick, topped off by finding some fresh coconuts in the middle of Hana hwy on the way home. Today on the other hand was a bit of a long day. Leif has a bit of a cold and hasn’t gone 5 minutes without letting us know. He was awake after his morning nap for 5 hours. That is  long time for him. He acted tired the whole time, rubbing his eyes, crying refusing to eat, that sort of thing. It’s been like that all day.

I woke up this morning a bit cranky myself and not feeling very productive. I was tired, wanted to stay in bed and didn’t want to face the day. The cats, particularly Tatoo, meowed and howled all night long. Tattoo is here visiting so she get get spayed. Unfortunately she is a bit of a night cat. Holly has been having issues with her joints and woke up in pain after a night of little sleep. All this said, I fought the urge to be a bum and started the day with a 2 mile or so run followed by throwing in two loads of laundry. Also on my to-do list for today was making a cheesecake. It is currently in the oven and almost ready. I had hoped to bottle a batch of beer today, but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. I haven’t even checked the gravity yet. I’ll check it in a bit and if it’s at a good spot, I’ll bottle it tomorrow. As for the rest of the day, it was spend watching Leif, doing dishes, taking a short trip to the general store, vacuuming, and blogging. I suppose I wasn’t too much of a bum today. After all, I get a cheesecake out if it. 🙂

New Site Design

Well here it is. I’ve finally updated my site design. I’ve included a menu for artwork and photos and what not. I will be discontinuing my flickr page. I’ve migrated all my flickr images onto my page here. Plus more to come. I’m also going to increase the amount of beer blogging I do. I’m very excited about my beer adventures and will be sharing them. I’ve vair excited. So if you see any bugs or issues, please let me know so I can fix them. Keep in mind this was designed and implemented on a mac, so pc users beware.


This morning Leif woke up at 5:30 am. That was too early for me. The cats had woke Holly up just prior and she took Leif out to start their day. I re awoke at 7 am. As I walked out of the room, I saw Holly and Leif crawling on the floor towards the bedroom. “We were just crawling in to surprise you”, Holly told me. Leif was in a good mood and giggling and smiling. Holly stood up and picked up Leif and he looked at me and said “Dada” all cute like with his hand extended in my direction. It was so cute. Holly followed with, “Who’s that Leif?” And he happily replied with his hand still extended towards me, “Dada”. D’aaawwwwww. So cute. I think that passes as his first word.

Kindergarten, party, plane ride, cat spey, website

Last week was Gavin’s last week of kindergarten. He had a little party at the school on his last day. Since it was pot luck, we made some brownies to bring to the party. The paper said that we should be there at 8 and would be done at 11, which was perfect because Holly had to be at work at 10:30. But silly me read the paper wrong and really we didn’t have to be there until 11, and that meant that Holly couldn’t go. I did bring her down some food though. She does like her shoyu chicken.

It was neat seeing Gavin playing and interacting with his class mates. He was running around and playing with friends and climbing on the playground and what not. He even had kids coming up to me asking where Gavin was, and when I told them they would call to the other kids, “hey, Gavin is on the playground. Let’s go!” He had a following and a girl who claims to be his girlfriend. And it begins.

The Saturday after his last day of school he had a birthday party to attend. He’s was so excited about this party. We bought her a present when we went to town the week prior, which he begged us to wrap for a week. The day finally came for the party and Gavin couldn’t wait. The party started at 1pm so we told Gavin that we would go to the party after lunch. That was at 6 am. So every 30 minutes Gavin would ask us if it was lunch time yet. Such a cutie.

Of course it eventually was lunch time and then time for the party. Gavin had a blast. It turned out that they had a blow up pool on the back patio for the kids along with a laundry basket full of water balloons. We didn’t bring him spare clothes or a bathing suit, but that wasn’t going to stop him from enjoying the water activities. He was soaked in no time. Leif also had a good time. There was another baby there, though slightly older than him, who he played with quite extensively. Overall it was a nice party. The grown ups there would fun and interesting, Gavin had a super blast, the birthday girl really liked the trick cockroach that Gavin gave her, and Leif played so hard the didn’t sleep for 6 hours straight.

Which brings us to Sunday. Sunday was the day we traded our son in for a kitten. We drove up to Kahului and met Mary at the airport. She flew over to drop off her cat with us ( who knew it was cheaper to fly your cat to another island to get her spey ) then take Gavin back to Oahu on the next flight back. Now he is over with Granny for a few weeks while Tattoo ( the pretty grey/blue cat ) is here on Maui scaring us and hiding all day instead of going to the vet to get spey. How did she know? We thought she climbed the screen and fell out the window and ran away. Instead, she was hiding inside the couch all day. Now she is back. Dog gone kitty. She is so cute though.

I would post a few pictures here, but I plan on updating my website very shortly which will include a photo album section. I will be adding new photos there. It will also replace my flickr page. I will finally be self contained. 🙂