Burns Night

I’m back from Oahu. Again. I flew over for the weekend. It was real nice. The weekend was packed full. When i got there I caught a bus to Gordon Biersch where I spend the next 5 hours. Oh how delicious. So they’ve done away with Dunkles and are ditching the Blonde Boch. Lucky for them they are replacing them with equally good beer. Otherwise they’d feel my wrath. Arrraarrrggg! Anyway. The weekend was fun. Saturday was Burns Night. It was good fun. I got to dance a full 4 step fling and dance 2 dances with the RSCDS. Then of course there is scotch and haggis. Lucky they had those, cause the dinner itself left some to be desired. Oh well. But it was nice. The bagpipes were wonderful. They filled the room with an amazing sound. So amazing that they made us close the door so the event upstairs could hear their conch shell. I love being scottish. The night ended and it was good. But before it ended they announced that the very next morning was going to be a meeting of a bunch of us scots to raise our glasses in a worldwide toast to Robert Burns. Not only that, but someone will be counting how many people are there to be sent in to Scotland to add it to a larger list of people who were toasting Robert Burns at that very moment in an attempt to set the world record for the largest worldwide toast. Very interesting. It was fun. I met some fun people. Good times. 

Sunday passed fast. I flew back, hit Walmart and Safeway, then drove home. I finally arrived at home at 8pm. I was tired. I went to sleep. I missed my family. Oh happy day.

pictures at http://www.flickr.com/deathlylost