Getting buff

Our mission to get buff has been slowed down. We were all gung ho about it and was going to yoga 4 days a week and working out after two of the 4 yoga sessions. As it turns out all that working out can hurt a person. Go figure. Poor Holly has been saying that her shoulder has been hurting her. It got to the point where she couldn’t do anything with it. She called me upstairs yesterday to ask me to remove her shirt for her. Although she asked me that because she physically couldn’t do it, I still found it a bit erotic. lol. Anywho. She has been to see the doctor and they gave her instructions to see a physical therapist for 4 days a week for 3 to 4 weeks. That is something that Holly doesn’t really want to do since that would mean taking time off work and dealing with a screwed up insurance problem. The poor girl couldn’t do anything. She was up half the night two nights ago because just the act of having an arm was hurting her. She is now jumping with excitement for being able to do things like close the car door from the inside, or being able to push the up-window button to roll up the window. Today she felt able to drive to work and succeeded. She told me it was painful, but was able to lift her arm a bit. I hope that is a sign of it improving and not just having a good moment. The poor thing.