July 29th 1979

My birthday has passed. It was a fast day. I woke up at around 11am or so. Holly, Mary and Gavin had went out to the store to pick up a few things to make cake with. Mary also went to the chiropractor (I think). Meanwhile I did almost nothing. I turned on my computer to get some work done, and ended up checking my email, editing a few RSCDS things, and drooling over online pictures of the unaffordable guitars that I want. Mmmmm. One day. When the fam arrived, I headed downstairs. Gavin was passed out in his moms arms and went directly upstairs to finish his nap. We lounged for a little bit while eating Brie and Safeway French bread. Not a bad breakfast if you ask me. Then Mary started on the blissful cake. Since she was busy and concentrating so hard, Holly and I thought we would head upstairs and spend some quality birthday time together in our quality birthday suits. He he. It was a good afternoon. This now brings us to about 2:30ish PM. Holly and I eventually moseyed back downstairs. Shortly thereafter, Gavin woke up from his nap and starting immediately being cute. We decided on some filet mignon for dinner with potatoes and salad. While I got a little bit of work done upstairs, Holly brought me a small taste of wonderful icing from the cake. It was going to be awesome. It didn’t take long before dinner was ready. I believe it was around 3:15ish PM. The meal was great. So yummy. Afterwards, I was sung the traditional “Happy Birthday” song while the cake was carried out with seven candles on it. Two on one side, five on the other. Thus 25. Directly after eating the yummy cake, I opened my small pile of presents. First was a little bottle of tequila with an Agave worm in it (actually I opened that one earlier in the day, but didn’t want to go back and edit all this text). Next I opened the present from Gavin. A very beautiful journal with the cover designed after the “Book of Kells”. Next was the present from my Grandma Mc. She sent me a package the previous week, which I held off on opening until “the day”. It’s a good thing I did because my father informed me that it had an auto self destruct mechanism on it if it were to be tampered with prior to the 29th. This gift turned out to be a very soft stuffed Snoopy (very soft) with a lovely card and a box of chocolates. Next opened turned out to be a pedometer. Cool. A good simple gift to help with my running. Lastly I opened the one they told me to open last. I sort of knew what it was, but didn’t know. If that makes any sense. It was a Rio brand sport mp3 player. This I can clip on to my short and use it on my runs. As it turns out, it is also great for being at work alone at 3 am while switching commercials on films and adding and removing trailers. On the downside, I got a few strange looks from people as I was leaving totally forgetting that I should not sing out loud when other people are around. A great gift. Now that the gifts are all opened and it was 4:30 PM, I ran upstairs to prepare to be at work. At the same time downloading songs to my mp3 player to take to work. I was very late to work. I was supposed to be there at 5pm, but due to my excitement over the mp3 player and the fact that I had to stop at Koolau (theatre across the street) to get some change, I didn’t arrive at work (half and hour away at Aikahi) until 5:35PM. From there I preceded to work until 3 AM or so. That was my day. I crashed as soon as I got home and had a good nights sleep. I’m 25 years old. 1/3 of my life down. Maybe less, maybe more.

More babble…less knowledge

Here I am at work again. It is a slow day. 18 People so far. Oh well. It is an easy day. I have spent it doing email. I emailed Jeannie. I completely forgot her birthday was earlier this month. I am tired today. I went for another run this morning. I’m pretty sure it is a two mile run. It was super hot too. I didn’t go running until 11:30am. Nice and hot. So I drank lots of fluid. A good run though. I have been working like crazy on the KarateDepot stuff. The new site is finally coming along. It won’t be long now. I have also been working like crazy at the theatre. The other manager is on vacation so I am working like 5-6 days a week. Grrr. Plus I have to come in on my day off to do the movie schedule, ’cause the other manager does not know how. Grrr. Plus I have to work on my birthday. Ok, so I don’t know how much of this is repeat of my previous blogs, but too bad. There is not too much else exciting in my life. I suppose that is not really true. It is just hard to think about other things than work when you are at work. I’ll try though. Ok, (5 minute pause while I try to think about something other than work)… I have created a new web site for myself. You can see at the top of the page the links to the different sections. Unfortunately I have not added new work yet. Same old stuff. I will update it one of these days. But if you feel like checking out the design, just click HERE, or on the “Home” link at the top of the page. I think it looks pretty cool. Something I did add though, are some writings I have recently done. And I don’t mean blog. Some “poetry” if you want to call it that. Songs even some of them. Ok, this is getting a bit long. I will stop for now. Unless I think of something else. But then I will just put it in another blog. If anyone reads this and wants to ask me questions, wants me to write about something in particular, or just want to say “Hi, I read this crap” leave me a comment. I will read it. Ok then, till next time…

Theatre Painting

I started on Tues the 13th of July. I rounded up 15 of the best painters I could find (15 volunteers), purchased 11 gallons of paint, and started to rip apart our theatre. It is still not finished yet. I still have to touch up all the trim and put back some of the wall hangings, but it looks way better. Take a look at what the theatre used to look like before it’s miraculous transformation (maybe miraculous is a bit dramatic).

So that was the old Aikahi. In the near future I will take pictures of the new Aikahi and post them. Stay tuned…

Another Post

I have customized my blog a little bit. I hope you enjoy it. Yes, I am working again. Holly just showed me a picture of the gross maggot eaten roaches that we found in a wine bottle of our recycling. Yum Yum. I will be done with work soon, just in time for dinner. Then I must head off to the theatre to work some more. Yay. Thursday is my birthday. I have to work then too. Oh well. I look forward to Gordon Biersch on Saturday. I have been running again. Scottish dancing let out for the summer so I thought I would take up some more exercising. What cheaper way to exercise than to run, right? So I bought some running shoes and off I go. It has been going good. I got caught up on home and work projects for a little bit and put off the running, but now that things are slowing down, I am getting back on track. The course I like to run is just over 2 miles. Not a bad workout. When my body gets more used to the running, I will run a longer course. But for now, this is enough. I played music last night at Gabe’s house. It seems that every week we sound better and better. At least I like to think so. I bought a new amp for my guitar a few weeks back and it has made a great difference. Yesterday I hooked my mic in through it as well as my guitar, and it sounds great. Better than I could have imagined. My voice is clear (is that really a good thing?) and sounds like I am in a concert hall. We have about 6 or so original songs that I actually like. It’s cool. Monday nights at Gabe’s is such bliss. I love music. One day I will get to go back to school for music. The theatre will actually pay for my classes if I were to attend full time. But when do I have time for that with the schedule they give me? Oh well. At least I have Monday nights. It has taught me so much about music and playing with others. It was definitely a step in the right direction for my music. We think that starting 2005 we will look for some gigs. We will be ready by then. Time for me to continue my day in the real world. Which is just as well. Till next time…

My First Blog: What to write

I decided after lots of thinking that I might as well create a blog for myself. I do tons of writing anyay. I think better in text form. As some people know, when it comes to verbally expressing myself, it is easier to get thoughts out of the head of those sea monkeys that come in the little capuses. You know. The ones that you put in water and watch them grow. They are basically little sea creature shaped sponges. Anyway. We will see how this works. Most of my posts will probably be typed at work. Since that is where I am 80% of the time. Because of this, I also miss all the fun stuff at home. If you have read Holly’s blog lately, you will know what I’m talking about. Thursday is my birthday. I have to work that day (go figure). I will spend the day working for Karatedepot in the morning, opening presents and eating cake in the afternoon, then dreadfully drag my but to Aikahi theatre where I will spend the last 10 hours of my day. Oh well. At least I might have some presents that I can take with me to play with. Who knows. I recieced a present in the mail today from my grandmother (Mc). I recieved a gift from my other grandmother a few days ago. We will see what they are on thursday. I think the highlight of my birthday will not be on Thursday though. On the following Saturday, since I do not have to work, we will be heading over to Honolulu to go to Gordon Biersch. This is a brewery resaurant. This will be my first time there. Although it is certainly not the first time I will be drinking thier beer. Gordon Biersch is now my favorite beer. They make a few different kinds of beer, all varying in taste and flavor, Marzan being my favorite. Yum Yum. I hope you enjoyed my first post. I am now going to deposit our money in the bank and head on home to get some sleep. I will wake up tomorrow refreshed and ready for my run. I will discuss this in another post. G’night.