Shankill Butchers

I’ve been feeling pretty relaxed lately. I’ve been happy with my beer production and the reviews on its results. Work is going well. The weather has been good. Leif has been cute and easy on me. He’s really been playing without the need to have me right next to him at all times. On Monday, he let me play guitar for more than 1 minute for the first time in maybe a year. I played many of the songs I already know, but decided I wanted to learn some new songs. I just haven’t had time to do that for a while. So here, for your listening pleasure (hopefully) is one of those songs.

“Shankill Butchers” by the Decemberists (as perfomed by me)


Yes, I know, you’d think with the words right in front of me that I wouldn’t have said “Shanghai Butchers” in the first line, but, hey, just ignore that.

And remember, this is more about the guitar than my tone-deaf voice.

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