Last night at midnight we had over 600 people lined up outside out theatre waiting to see Star Wars. We had two prints of the movie and ended up playing it in 4 theatres. How did you manage that, you might be wondering. They called me in to interlock the film. Basically run the film on one theatre, then along the wall to the next theatre. Anyway, it was a fun night. There were only a few people with costumes though. A little disappointing. Oh well. We watched the movie on Tuesday night. Oh what fun. It was an awesome movie. Worthy of being a Star Wars movie. Unlike Episodes I and II. On the downside, I have not gotten to sleep before 3:30 am for the past 3 days. Tonight is no exception. So with that said, our theatre was nothing compared to our leading theatre near Waikiki. They had a whopping 2400 or so attendees for the midnight showing. Craaaaazzzzy.