Taro Festival Weekend

This weekend = Taro Festival here in Hana.

For a year, Holly has been thinking about the orchid earrings she didn’t buy from last year’s Taro Festival. We found and searched the vendor that was selling them last year. We didn’t have any luck in that area. The jewelry is custom made and they didn’t have any more of the orchid earrings. They did, however, give Holly their card if she wanted them to custom make her a pair of the orchid earrings. Might make a good mother’s day gift from me.

Walking Around

After walking around all the booths, Gavin decided that of all the things there, he wanted to buy books from the Scholastic book tent. He’s a true librarian’s son. Of course the kid in him also asked for the ever popular water balloon yoyo. We got one for Leif and one for Gavin. Whoever invented those is a genius. Hours of entertainment. So Gavin walked away with his yoyo, a multi colored cat pen, and a Missile Mouse comic book. He’s a happy boy.

Water Yo Yo

I received an overpayment reimbursement check from my CC, so I was able to spend a few buck myself. I spent half of it on food, and the other half on a mother’s day gift. I just have to remember to mail it now.


For lunch, we ate a pumpkin curry (totally delicious), panang beef curry (yum), a bacon burger and fries, and taro chips. To drink, we had the ever popular passion-orange drink. Mmmmm. We sat and watch the hula dancers while eating. They were lovely. There were even hula groups from out of town. I think one of the introducers said something about coming out here for the Hawaiians and not the haoles. It was hard to understand. But whatever. We still get to watch.

Hula Dancers

Somewhere in the afternoon, we headed for home with two exhausted kids. Leif took a good nap and Gavin spent some time with his DS. Holly and I spent some time relaxing as well. Something about a beer and a couch. Before the day was up, Holly made sure to model the new mug and earrings she bought for herself.

New Mug

And that was just Saturday…