The Big 5

Gavin is officially five. It has been a weekend of decadence. We spent hours in Mutha Shuckers waiting for crab legs and fettucini alfredo. Apparently they were just in the paper with a good review and they were not prepared for it. In other words, they had 2 waitresses and one cook for a full house. But we stuck it out and it was good. I’d certainly go there again if it was less crowded. On Saturday, we at our traditional pre-birthday Thai food dinner. Man that was good. Nothing like indulging in curry and thai noodles and sticky rice. Oh yeah. Gavin on the other hand opted for pizza. Sunday was the big day. Gavin’s birthday. He wanted to see Alvin and the Chipmunks and so it was. Before hitting the theatre, we stopped at Toys R Us for birthday supplies. Then after the movie we stopped for the birthday cake. Chocolate of course. After arriving home we ate leftover pizza and Thai food for lunch. Then Holly set up the cake with 5 candles and a couple of star wars figurines while I blew up a few balloons. “Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you…” And before we had time to snap a picture, the boy had made a wish and blew out his candles. “Gavin, you have to cut the cake.” We handed him a knife and watched him carefully stab the cake. “Can I open my presents now?” He carefully, but without hesitation, opened one present at a time making sure to ask who each one was from and saying thank you after opening each one. He was so polite. You could see the excitement in his eyes. It made me very happy to see him happy and enjoying his birthday. Although it wasn’t a super busy day, it was an exciting day. And it ended for him at 5:30 on the couch trying to find a holiday movie to watch. He was such a good kid. So perfect and polite and patient and cute and on and on.

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It’s play time
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