Working and Living

Wow. Ok. I’m now in California. Been here two weeks now. Hard to believe. But yeah. The flight over was shorter than I expected. Po only got out of her carrier once and was too stunned to run away. My computer arrived in the mail damaged. I had to file a claim with FedEx. Hopefully they will give me money to repair it. I haven’t heard back from them yet. Gavin is doing pretty well. The preschools here are full until fall, so we have enrolled him in day care. He’s doing good with the changes. He misses granny. She misses him. I think she is coming out to visit in March. Holly has been enthused to be near many of her friends. When I say near, I mean in the same state. She is going to visit one of her friends in San Fransisco next month, and another friend in LA who is moving here shortly. It feels good to be back on the mainland again. I just feel more connected. I think being 2 hours closer is part of it. So now I am waiting to get my own apartment. I have been staying with Holly. But I’ll have to wait about 3 more weeks before I can afford my own place. I didn’t think it would take that long, but all this moving has run my funds dry. Really dry. But basically, here I am in California. Doing pretty good. Working and living.

5 thoughts on “Working and Living

  1. I have yet to eat at in-and-out burger, but it is on my list of places to go when I get enough money to eat again. lol. I did try sonic though. It was ok, but I have better expectations for in-and-out burger.

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