Laptop Repair Fail

Leif has been a bit of a grump lately, largely due to not feeling so well. At a particularly grumpy moment, Leif emptied his entire juice cup onto the laptop keyboard while watching Thomas the Tank Engine. Then Leif had the nerve to complain because Thomas stopped and the screen went black. I closed, then picked up the laptop and watched a waterfall of juice stream out. Hmmmm.

I spent the remainder of the day taking apart and drying out the inside of the computer. When I finished, I tried to start it up again. No luck. The laptop was not revived. So I tried again. I re-cleaned and re-dried the insides and re-assembled the laptop. Do you think that helped? No. Of course not.

So where does that leave me? Without a laptop of course. It doesn’t look like it’s going to come back to life. Sadly, the laptop is dead.

Lesson of the day? Don’t let your two year old have anything to drink. While watching videos on the laptop of course.

The Gecko in the Backpack

I sat at the street corner at the end of the road waiting for Gavin’s bus to arrive. Lief waited in his stroller pointing out all the trucks that drove by with an enthusiastic “guck”. It’s our weekday routine.
The bus finally arrived and Gavin appeared from around the bus and ran across the street with a smile on his face and his hands held out in front of him. As he drew nearer I noticed that he had something in his hands.
“Dad! Look! See what I found in my back pack?” I did look and saw a gecko spread out across his little fingers.

Gavin explained how he found it and wanted to bring it home as a pet. About how nice it was and was sitting nicely in his hand and let him pet it. Indeed, it was sitting nicely in his hand. Half it’s tail was missing and it was scared. I told Gavin that we had to be nice to it and put it in a place that it would be happy. Like right over there on a little rock surrounded by plants and dirt. Gavin agreed with me and placed the gecko down on the rock and told it to be happy and live a good life. Such a good boy.

Gavin Gets His Yellow Belt

It’s been a long time since Gavin has started Tae Kwon Do. Practically two years now. Last year he missed testing because he was off island for fall break. This year there was no way we were going to let him miss it.

He had his testing last month up in Makawao. Gavin was quite nervous. It was his first testing and he had no idea what to expect. Nor did I. He worked hard at home and in class to prepare and worked his way through the testing.
Today it has all payed off. In class today his teacher handed out awards and belts. Grin across his face, Gavin accepted his belt and award and bowed to his teacher. Gavin is now a yellow belt.


Graff aka. Malty, Slightly Hopped Cider

Last year I wanted to make some hard cider for the holidays. After looking up some recipes, I found that cider should mature for a good 4 or 5 months if you want good cider. So I set out early this year to make me some cider. Then, after much searching, I actually settled on a recipe for Graff ( beer infused cider). Graff needs only to mature for a few weeks.


The recipe I found sounded really good. It was made by many people who all gave it really good reviews. So that is what I went with. I made a few slight modifications, but still should be really delicious.

Graff (Malty, Slightly Hopped Cider)

1/2 lb Crystal 60
1 oz Flaked Barley
4 gal Apple Juice (100% Organic from Costco)
2 lbs light DME
.5 oz Hops of choice (approx 6%AA)
1 pkg Safale US-05

Now, I did something really silly. I order my supplies from They have a new online ordering system that will only allow to order grains by the pound*. So I ordered 1 lb of Crystal 60 and 1 lb of Flaked Barley. Now here comes the silly part. I forgot to add a special note to bag the two grains separately. So when I received them in the mail, all the grains were mixed into one bag. Therefore, my actual recipe has an unknown ratio of Crystal 60 to Flaked Barley. Altogether though, I added about 10 oz 9 oz of grains. I figured that should cover it.

OG – 1.052
FG- 1.012

  1. Steep grains in 3/4 gal of water @ 155? for 30 min. Do not boil grains.
  2. Sparge grains with 1/4 gal of 170? water
  3. Add DME and bring to a boil
  4. Add hops and boil for 30 minutes
  5. Cool wort.
  6. When wort is cooled to approx 80? add it to the 4 gallons of Apple Juice in your fermenter.
  7. Pitch yeast (with the Safale 05, there is no need to make a starter. Just rehydrate.)
  8. Ferment for 1 week, move to secondary
  9. Bottle after about 1 week in secondary.
  10. Prime with 2.5 oz of corn sugar (adjust according to your temperature conditions)

* has since added the option to order by the ounce

Brewing Company Names

I’ve recently decided it’s time to start actively working on opening a brewing company. The thought has been rolling around in my head for years now, originally as a brew pub. Although my current location is ill-suited for a brew pub, it is a great location for a brewery. I’ve already done research and have a lot that would need to be done to accomplish my goal. But I can’t move forward with anything until I come up with a name for my brewing company. I’ve sat and had a few brainstorming sessions (home-brew in hand) and narrowed it down to these names for serious consideration. Which would you vote for?