Battlefield Band in Hana

We found out a few weeks ago that “Battlefield Band” is coming back to Hawaii next week. We really wanted to go, but they are coming on a Thursday, which is Holly’s late night, and would be impossible to go unless she took off of work.

Mary let us know that she is going to see them when they are on Oahu and would pay for our tickets if we went over for the weekend (they are on Oahu on Friday). That is a really nice offer, but that would increase the cost for us from $25 per concert ticket to $160 per plane ticket. We reigned ourselves to the fact that we just can’t go.

Last night Holly walks in the door all excited saying, “Mike. You’ve got to take a look at this!” She handed me a flyer for the Battlefield Band concert.

Me: Yes. I know. Battlefield Band here on Maui.
Holly: Yeah but look where.
Me: Huh? OMG! There coming to Hana? Oh yeah!
Holly: Look at the price!
Me: FREE? OMG! That is so awesome. Let me see that again. Sweeeeet. That is so awesome. Your mom is going to hate us. We get to see them free and before she does. That is so AWESOME!

A few days later…

Note: If you can’t see these videos, you need to update your browswer (or stop using IE)

Leif  didn’t make it very long. I don’t know what it is about bagpipes that puts kids to sleep.

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