HOT! HOT! Sizzle! Sizzle!

I awoke this morning to a beautiful thing this morning. Naturally it was Holly with the morning light on her skin as she shuffled through laundry to find a pair of clean jeans. Gavin came rushing in and asked me if I was going with them to get a hair cut. Of course I would. So I hopped out of bed and threw on some clothes. We headed out the door as a happy little family up to the shopping center to get haircuts for Gavin and Holly. After purchasing a cinnamon roll and a portuguese sausage and egg bento, we headed to the Supercuts where Holly plopped up in a chair. Gavin and I went out to the sidewalk and knarfed our breakfast. Gavin was very excited to be getting a hair cut. He kept peeking in the window and saying, “Mom get haircut. Me too.” So we wrapped up eating and headed in just in time for Holly to get up out of the chair and whip her hair around just like in the movies. She was sooooooo HOT! Then Gavin stepped into the chair. He was so good. He looked where he was supposed to and smiled and turned on the buzzer and giggled muttering, “It tickles!”. So cute. It was very nice. So here are some pictures of their awesome haircuts. Doesn’t Holly look HOT!?