Bakersfield night life

I’ve been in pretty good spirits lately. I have everything all set up to move in to my new apartment on Thurs. All I have to do is show up Thurs morning and sign the lease. They will hand me the keys and I’ll be off. Gavin is only going to day care for half day on Thurs and not at all on Fri. So Gavin and I will be hanging out doing moving in stuff. Probably go shopping for some foods and other small household items that I don’t have like a door mat and a lamp and stuff like that. On Suday we are taking a drive down to visit Holly’s friend and visiting the nearby Ikea while we are there. I figured I’ll be pretty broke at that point, but it would be fun to look. Tonight was Holly’s long night at work so Gavin and I spent the evening playing games and tickeling and making pancakes loaded with chocolate chips, chocolate syrup, chocolate kisses and bananas. Fry up an egg to go with them, top them with syrup and butter, and you have yourself one mighty dinner. Gavin wore the little red apron and scooped out the flour. He cracked and added the egg all by himself. Then he used the magical wisk to mix it all up. He did a great job. The pancakes were delicious.

Tomorrow I venture out to explore Bakersfield nightlife. There is an open mic night at a place called Fishlips. We’ll see how that goes. I don’t know if I will perform or not. Maybe I’ll bring my guitar just in case. But basically I want to scope it out and see what it’s like. Maybe I can strike up some conversation and make a friend or two. That would be good. I’ve met a few people here in the village, but have yet to go out with any of them. I’m a wee bit of a chicken, but I just have to get over it and go out. So tomorrow will be my first night out. I look forward to it.

Living and learning.

So I went in yesterday and put in an application and deposit for an apartment. It’s right around the corner from Holly’s apt. What a deal. I get the month of April for free. Oh yeah. We went out this weekend to go shopping and to pick up a few things that Holly needed for her apartment. Among those things was a hanging chinese lantern for her bedroom. Up until now, she has had no light in her room. We encountered a slight problem while installing it. Her ceilings are really high. At first, I was going to stand on Holly’s knee. But then we realized that it would be better if Holly stood on my back. This didn’t get her up far enough, so she hopped on to my shoulders. What a funny picture that would have been had our camera had batteries. She managed to screw in the hood to the ceiling well enough, but the pushpin into the corner of the room was a little harder. She sat up on my shoulders for a good 10 minutes while trying to hang this lamp. Finally I let her down. I then used a trunk covered with a blanket and held against the wall with all of Holly’s might. I stood up on the trunk and finished the job. What a nice looking lamp. Once that was done, we put Gavin down for a nap, popped open the chips and dip and a few beers and watched a couple of episodes of the first (and only) season of “Firefly”. It’s been a good day. It’s now 5pm and time for dinner. Hah. We’ll feed Gavin anyway. We’re full.

Now things are moving. I’ll be moving in to my apt on the 1st of March. There are open mic nights on Tues and Wed. Tuesday is Holly’s long day at the library. She works until 9, so I’ll be trying to go to the open mic night on Wed night. Holly has been invited out with some co-workers to a mexican place nearby where they will drink beers and yell and scream to the soccer games on tv. She will fit right in. She’s gonna have a posse. He he. Anyway. Things are moving along. The next steps are to get a CA license and to register the car in CA. Also, I’m going to see in the next month or two about getting a motorcycle. I am so looking forward to that. The plan is to buy a nice motorcycle, a crappy car, and save my money (yeah right) to buy a Dodge Challanger in 2008. We’ll see how that goes. But things here are going ok. There have been ups and downs, but I’m happy. I am learning a lot about myself. Moving to CA will be good for me. I think it will also be good for Holly. We are living. We are learning.

Working and Living

Wow. Ok. I’m now in California. Been here two weeks now. Hard to believe. But yeah. The flight over was shorter than I expected. Po only got out of her carrier once and was too stunned to run away. My computer arrived in the mail damaged. I had to file a claim with FedEx. Hopefully they will give me money to repair it. I haven’t heard back from them yet. Gavin is doing pretty well. The preschools here are full until fall, so we have enrolled him in day care. He’s doing good with the changes. He misses granny. She misses him. I think she is coming out to visit in March. Holly has been enthused to be near many of her friends. When I say near, I mean in the same state. She is going to visit one of her friends in San Fransisco next month, and another friend in LA who is moving here shortly. It feels good to be back on the mainland again. I just feel more connected. I think being 2 hours closer is part of it. So now I am waiting to get my own apartment. I have been staying with Holly. But I’ll have to wait about 3 more weeks before I can afford my own place. I didn’t think it would take that long, but all this moving has run my funds dry. Really dry. But basically, here I am in California. Doing pretty good. Working and living.

Poor Poor Po

Holly is in CA. She managed to sign her paperwork and get hired. She also visited some preschools in the area and got information on them. She also managed to get an apartment. It is right next to the library where Holly will be working. It’s a one bedroom. And she says that they are not lacking in apartments and I should have no problem getting one there. So that’s good. I went online today and booked our tickets. Only $130/person. Sweet. So we fly out Feb 2nd in the morning. That is only 16 days away. Holy crap. Friday night is the beginning of my moving sale. I am having a moving party. I invited all my friends and more over for a party. During that party, they can make me an offer on anything in the house other than the select things I set asside. Then on the weekend, I am having a normal moving sale that I am advertising in the paper. Must sell stuff. I also have to get paperwork together to be able to ship the car. Things are going relatively smoothly I think.

With that said. This morning was the appointment to bring Po (forementioned cat) to get spayed. Going by the dr’s orders, we locked Po up in our bedroom over night so that she can not eat anything prior to the operation. She woke me up at 1 am purring and scratching and meowing and all that. She kept me awake until about 4 am or so. Darn cat. But finally we woke up and got everything ready to go. Gavin’s lunch got made. Gavin was dressed and ate breakfast. Things were going well. We put Po in the carrier, Gavin grabbed his lunch and blanket and we set off. Po fussed in the car all the way to the preschool. I dropped off Gavin and headed to the vet. We arrived early. “We have a reservation for Po. I’m a bit early.” She looked through her records. Flipped pages. Scrolled on the computer. “What is the phone number?” ……..”Wow, you are early. Your appointment is for next Wed.” Doh! So we’ll try again next Wed. Poor Po. Poor Poor Po.

Lets go fly a kite

Over last weekend, I took Gavin to a nearby park to fly the kite he got me for Christmas. It’s a really cool dragon kite. He was so excited. We had such a good time. We ran all over and played and flew the kite like pros. Well, maybe not like pros, but it sure was fun. And Gavin was so happy. Lots of smiles and laughs.

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Then afterwards, we played on the playground.
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And naturally after the playground, I took him to eat dinner. We were both hungry. He asked me for meat and rice and eggs. So we headed to L&L to get a loco moco. Oh yeah. That’s the stuff. What a nice day.