Catching Up

My last post was Oct 26th and things have happened since then. I’ll try to start from the earlier events. Halloween. I worked. I felt bad. I hoped I could take Gavin out trick or treating a little, but that couldn’t happen. He dressed up as a little mouse and went out with Holly for about 1/2 an hour.

He really got the hang of holding out his bag and announcing “teet teet” to anyone who answered the door. Do kids learn how to get candy at an early age or what? As for me, I threw on my new orange (clan Grant) kilt and shoved off to work. It rained on Halloween here which was a bummer. I think we had just as many trick or treaters as we did customers at the theatre. How sad. And the people who came here to watch a movie thought that they could get away from that. Hah! The next day we let Gavin go on his post Halloween chocolate binge. Oh how he loved that. It wasn’t so bad though, because Gavin has this weird thing where he only likes food if it is whole. Once he takes a bite out of it, it has been used and he wants another one. The following the results as they pored in. When I woke up the next morning I heard the final results. How disappointing. So naturally Holly made CUPCAKES OF DOOOOOOOOM. They were good and somehow soothing. Down with the sickness. Gavin woke up at 2 am a week ago. He had a 100.8º temperature and vomited all over our bed and Holly. We took him to the doctor the following morning, who took his temperature and a strep test. Naturally his temperature was down already due to the children’s motrin we gave him earlier, and the fact that the doctors office was about 10º. Ok, that is an exaggeration, but it was damn cold. Gavin is still sick. His fever was replace with sore throat and a runny nose, only to come back last night. He woke up again last night coughing very hard like he was going to vomit again, but didn’t. He seemed to do ok today. We gave him more motrin, which brought his fever back down and helped his cough a little. Holly had class this morning so it was just me and Gavin. When Holly arrived home she was exhausted from having only 2 or 3 hours of sleep last night and then getting up at 6 am to go to class. Gavin didn’t like this cause he wanted his mom and she really needed to nap. After nursing and watching a little Snow White with mom, I took Gavin up to the grocery store and video store. We rented Lady and the Tramp 2. Between the walk to the store and watching a little of the movie, I was able to keep Gavin occupied about 1 1/2 hours. Then I purchased some BBQ chicken plate lunches, ate dinner with Holly and Gavin, and off to work I went. Now here I am typing away on my blog.


Hi again and welcome to my blog. It is Tuesday, October 26th. Kammy’s birthday was on the 21st. I mailed her a present. I feel bad because I have not actually called them yet to see how her birthday went. I need to call my family again. Holly has officially lost 20 lbs so far. She looks great. She has bought some new clothes since many of her old clothes are getting, if not already, too big. She is happy. She is also doing well in her classes and is enjoying them. I’m excited for her. Things are going well in a forward direction and we are happy. Holiday season is practically here. That means lots of work at the theatre and for karate depot. As of right now, I will be working Halloween, Christmas eve, Christmas, New Years Eve and New Years day. Quite a bummer. I am asking the other manager if I have off one or two of those days. I don’t think it is fair. Besides, Gabe and I want to have a party on New Years eve. Yay. We’ll see. But I get to be home for Thanksgiving. Although I work on Holly’s Birthday. Hmmmm. Anyway, just a few things there. I must get more work done. See you all next time.

I’m still here

It is very hot out today. Gavin slept in til about 7:15am this morning. He just went down for his nap (12:30 pm). It is so hard to keep that boy fed. He loves to ask for the jello with the peaches in it, but he only wants to play with it. He asked for lots of water today, so I kept a little cup of water lying around so he could get it. Probably not the best idea. He ended up turning his green playdough intou a green pile of mush. That was gross. Holly should be getting her root canal right about now. She went right from class to get her root canal. Hopefully, she will be able to drive home after. Otherwise, I will have to drove over with her mom and pick her up at 3:30. We’ll see how that goes. Wednesday night I work at Koolau theatre (accross the street), which means I get to preview “Team America”. Looks like it should be funny. The new guy we hired at Aikahi is working out well. He is a good worker and a pretty fast learner. Which is good because one of our other employees won’t be in for the rest of the week due to his mother dying. Myles usually works like 3 days a week, plus janitors two mornings. So we have to fill his positions quickly. Last night I went to Gabe’s house to play music and his mom decided that she was going to try to play bass for us. Ouch. Where is Nate? He worked last night and could not come. But he has been coming with us and learning the bass. He seems to be excited about it. He has fun anyway and that is cool. Anyway, when I think of more to write, I’ll let you know.

Doing Manager Stuff

Wow, I can’t believe it’s been almost 2 weeks since my last post. How time flies. So I was on AIM the other day and while I was chatting with Jeannie, I received an IM from Rachael M___. She just pops up randomly every once in a while. Usually when there is news. This time she told me that she is getting married. She has a little girl, Lilly, who is 3 now. She is not marrying the father. Some other guy she met 6 months ago. Anyway, I thought that was interesting. I am at work now (big surprise). I have been doing some “manager stuff” this week. I went to some “Excellence Manager Education” class on Wednesday. It was an 8 hour class that covered everything from company values to how to hire someone. It was useful I guess. But by far the best part of the class was when they ordered us lunch from Dave & Busters. They passed around a menu with an order list and let us choose what we wanted for lunch. Then they called it in to D&B and had it delivered to our class. D&B is right below the theatre by the way. Not a long walk for the delivery boy, who I’m sure got tipped very well. That was a good Chicken Cheesesteak sandwich. This class was timed appropriately. I just today hired a new employee. He seems like a nice guy, although he does not play bass. Oh well. We will find someone. I was going to make that a prerequisite for the job here at the theatre, but that didn’t seem fair. Besides, we’re desperate. So now I have all his paperwork and need to find out what to do with it. Who do I fax what to? What gets sent where? All that good jazz. Ok, going now. I promise it won’t be a whole week before I post again. Bye.

Feeling Creative

I am feeling creative today. I don’t know what I will do about it though. Maybe I will write a little. Maybe I will try to do some drawings. I’m not sure. It is Thursday night and this is my long night at the theatre. I’ll be here until about 3 am, so if I don’t get time to do anything creative, at least I will have been busy doing something.
Holly had her orientation on Tuesday. She told me about a guy in her class that plays bass. His name is Tim. Aparently he is new to the island and doesn’t really have a place to live yet. Hopefully he can find a place on our side of the island and Holly can coerce him into playing with Gabe and I. That will be great. Then we will have 3 people and we can play at Gordon Biersch. Yay. Anywho… we will see what happens.